Zyba Games Podcast – Episode 009
This week we discuss RE3 going live, Spring sale is live on 500+ games and accessories, PUBG went Fantasy, and we also talk about this week’s Game Pass game Power Rangers Battle for the Grid.
Be sure to check the show out live on Mixer.com at 9:30 PM PST Every Sunday.
Join Mixer Partners DeeJayHerro and Yogomi and Twitch streamer BoboDaClown as they discuss gaming and gaming culture surrounding Xbox, Xbox Live, and Xbox Game Pass!
Join our discord: https://discord.gg/JBaKBvB
Follow DeeJayHerro: https://www.youtube.com/DeeJayHerrohttps://watchmixer.com/DeeJayHerro
Twitter: @DeeJayHerro
Instagram: @DeeJayHerr0
Follow Yogomi:
Twitter: @YogomiHQ
Instagram: @Yogomi
Follow BoboDaClown:
Twitter: @BoBoDClwn
Instagram: @BoBoDaClown